Ear Training, Intervals and Pitch

Train your ears to be able to identify different musical intervals and pitches in a fun way.

Math Tools

Quickly helps you factor, find primes, work with fractions, and more.

Color Scheme Creator

Easily create and save colors and color schemes.

Note To Pitch Frequency Converter

Quickly see the frequency of any musical note from C0 to B10.

Image Color Picker

Image Color Picker lets you identify any color from any photo that you have on your phone and it reports the color in RGB as well as HEX. It also has the option to change the filter size to get a more accurate reading of a wall, dress, or paint color.

Factor Calculator

Calculates and displays all of the factors of a number chosen by the user.

Decimal To Fraction Converter

Quickly find the fraction of a decimal number. Works with repeating decimals as well as decimals that lack the complete period.

nth Prime

Quickly find the nth prime up to nearly the 10 trillionth prime number

Prime Factorizer

Quickly find the prime factorization of any number up to 18 digits long. Fast and very efficient factoring algorithm.

Random Number Generator

This is a great solution for those who want to have a die with any number of sides. This app allows you to quickly change the range that the random integer will be selected from.

Fraction Calculator

Quickly add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with a few taps.

Greatest Common Divisor

The greatest common divisor (or greatest common factor) is the largest integer that can evenly divide into a group of numbers. This app allows you to find the greatest common divisor of up to eight numbers.